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Intuitive sound healing allows for very deep and individual transformation by agitating stuck frequencies and helping them to reshape the energetic field.

It loosens tightened areas of the aura field and allows for cell activation and healing in the physical body.


It is highly individual as every person has a unique field that is subject to constant change depending on the emotional state and level of consciousness of a person.

A very soft way of addressing intangible blockages that cannot be reached by oneself or classical treatment methods. Each sound healing session is unique.



I am Laura and I welcome you to this site of intuitive sound healing.

Let me tell you more about this subtle way of healing and transformation.


  How  does  it  work?  

  Sound  healing  

Sound is vibration, and vibration travels everywhere where it can find a resonance body.
Our physical bodies consist of 99.999% empty space. Yes, this is true.

The atoms we are made of are so small that the area in between is much greater.

This means that our body is an incredibly large field of resonance down to the molecular cell level. Therefore, vibration reaches every part within us.

We are highly receptive to sound, no matter how well we can hear it, our body always feels it and vibrates with it. Many vibrations carry frequencies that are not good for our system, nevertheless, many people are exposed to them. This can be a work environment, a stressful family situation, a loud street, electricity posts, etc. 


Humans are holistic beings and hence react on a holistic level. Body, mind, and soul are affected.
We rarely look at ourselves this way although this is key to being aligned and in balance.

If you would like to learn more about vibration, energy, and sound healing, please join my free

MEETUP-GROUP and one of our upcoming events.

Piano sound healing example - Body HealLaura Light
00:00 / 07:15

  Intuitive  sound  healing  

Before each session, I clean the room of any other energies and prepare it in a way that will hold your energy safely. There is an individual initiating of the session depending on the person's energy.

During my sessions, I connect with your aura- & energy field intuitively.

I act as a neutral channel that takes your energy outflow and transforms it into music and sound, which you receive back in return. Your physical and energetic field reacts to that sound down to atom level.

As I work only with your very own energy output, the transformation is 100% individual and unique to

you at that very moment. This enables exactly the degree of transformation and healing that you allow for at that point in time.

Your system reacts to the sound because it asked for it by giving me the energy that

wanted to flow out and be transformed. It is a key to a new door in your system that I provide through my music. It happens intuitively and I remain a neutral channel.

Sometimes, during the session, I receive words/messages for the person, which I pass on to them after the music is completed. Each person always knows exactly what the message behind the words is.

The session closes with an individual conversation and reflection. 

Klavier spielen
Piano sound healing example - Give in to the danceLaura Light
00:00 / 03:31

I offer both individual and group sessions, which each have their own benefit.

The instrument of my choice is my piano and sometimes my voice.

 ONLINE SESSIONS AVAILABLE upon request, please message me.

 PRIVATE SESSIONS AT YOUR HOME AVAILABLE upon request, please message me.

If you would like to listen to examples of my sound healing work, please join my free INSIGHT - TIMER - Community and one of our upcoming events.

Weißer Sand und Stein

Individual sessions

Personal energetic analysis & energy cleaning.

Opening and connecting to the energetic field.

Unique intuitive sound transformation.

Reflection & closing conversation.

Music recording upon request.

220,00 CHF

250,00 CHF including music recording (mp3 file)


GROUP sessions

Group energetic analysis & energy cleaning.

Opening and connecting to the energetic field.

Unique intuitive sound transformation.

Reflection & closing conversation.

Music recording upon request.

max 5 people, bigger groups on request (different location)

2 people: 150,00 CHF/person

3 people: 130,00 CHF/person

4 people: 120,00 CHF/person

5 people: 100,00 CHF/person

+ 50,00 CHF for recording (mp3 file)

healing  &  transformation  effect

  • Agitating stuck frequencies and helping them to reshape your energetic field.

  • It loosens tightened areas of the aura field and allows for cell activation and healing in the physical body.

  • Soft addressing of intangible blockages that cannot be reached by oneself or classical treatment methods.

  • The unique composition of your energy field, effective support of any energy- & transformation work


photo_2021-05-31 15.45.18.jpeg


"The Intuitive sound healing is truly amazing in many different ways,  but also Laura's approach is very beautiful.

Subconscious rules our life and the fact that there is something like intuitive sound healing that can unblock your limitations in such a beautiful way is truly amazing! This will most definitely change the world upside down!


I'll do it again!"


"Laura's music caressed my inside. I was in trance and when I opened my eyes afterwards I felt newborn. She played my song. Her intuition captured my essence. It unlocked a door I was trying to open for a long time.

If you have a broken arm you visit a doctor, if your spine needs adjustment you see a chiropractor and if you feel out of touch or you are stuck in your developement you visit Laura & her piano."


©2021 by Goetterfunken

Freude schöner Goetterfunken

Tochter aus Elysium. 
Wir betreten feuertrunken 
Himmlische Dein Heiligtum.

Deine Zauber binden wieder

was die Mode streng geteilt.

Alle Menschen werden Brüder,

wo Dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

Wem der große Wurf gelungen eines Freundes Freund zu sein.
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
mische seinen Jubel ein.

Freude heißt die starke Feder

in der ewigen Natur.

Freude, Freude treibt die Räder

in der großen Weltenuhr.

Blumen lockt sie aus den Keimen

Sonnen aus dem Firmament.

Sphären rollt sie in den Räumen,

die des Sehers Rohr nicht kennt.

Friedrich Schiller

©2025 by Goetterfunken

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